Setup 1 – View
Put the following code inside gridview:
'attribute' => 'nilai_tugas',
'value' => function ($model)
return $model->nilai_tugas;
'editableOptions'=> function ($model, $key, $index) {
return [
'formOptions'=>['action' => ['krs-detail/editNilai']],
Setup 2 – Controller
Put the following code into controller file:
use kartik\grid\EditableColumnAction;
use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper;
use backend\models\KrsDetail;
and then create function:
public function actions()
return ArrayHelper::merge(parent::actions(), [
'editNilai' => [ // identifier for your editable action
'class' => EditableColumnAction::className(), // action class name
'modelClass' => KrsDetail::className(), // the update model class
Below is the result of editable Gridview:

Where is the KrsDetail class, this does not exist in kartik plugin
KrsDetail.php is inside model folder.
You must change it to your model file.