MySQL: How to Count Duplicated Records
The following query can be used to count duplicated records in MySQL:

MySQL: How to Strip HTML Tags
The following regular expression function can be used to strip HTML tags: It is very simple.

MySQL: How to Fix “Field Doesn’t Have A Default Value” Error
MySQL or MariaDB install has default value of sql mode named STRICT_TRANS_TABLES. The MySQL docs for STRICT_TRANS_TABLES state: Strict mode controls how MySQL handles input values that are invalid or missing. A value can be invalid for several reasons. For example, it might have the wrong data type for the column, or it might be…

Select Case Sensitive in MySQL
Today I found bug on my website while using MySQL query. I just realized that the search function works in case insensitive. If I execute this query: SELECT filename FROM data_ebook WHERE filename = ‘Manasik_Haji_dan_Umroh.pdf’ the results will be: — Manasik_Haji_dan_Umroh.pdf Manasik_Haji_Dan_Umroh.pdf — By using keyword ‘LIKE BINARY’ it can make the result case sensitive:…