The assumption here is that apache web server already installed in system. Below is guide on how to install MRTG and SNMP packages.
1. Install MRTG and SNMP
$ sudo apt-get install mrtg snmpd
2. Configure SNMP
Backup configuration file:
$ sudo mv /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf.bak
Create new configuration file:
$ sudo nano /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
And replace the current content with these lines:
rocommunity public syslocation "ColekColek" syscontact com2sec public localhost public group public v1 public group public v2c public group public usm public view all included .1 access public "" any noauth exact all none none
Edit /etc/default/snmpd
$ sudo nano /etc/default/snmpd
And make sure the file contains these lines:
SNMPDRUN=yes SNMPDOPTS='-Lsd -Lf /dev/null -u snmp -g snmp -I -smux -p /var/run/ -c /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf' TRAPDRUN=yes SNMPDCOMPAT=yes
Restart snmpd:
$ sudo /etc/init.d/snmpd restart
3. Configure MRTG
Create mrtg folder:
$ sudo mkdir /var/www/mrtg
$ sudo chmod o+w /var/www/mrtg
Create configuration file:
$ sudo cfgmaker --global 'WorkDir:/var/www/mrtg' --ifref=name --ifdesc=eth --global 'Options[_]: bits' --output /etc/mrtg.cfg public@localhost
Create index file:
$ sudo indexmaker /etc/mrtg.cfg > /var/www/mrtg/index.html
$ sudo env LANG=C /usr/bin/mrtg /etc/mrtg.cfg
First execution will produce error message, this is normal. You can execute again few times. After more than 3 times of execution, the error message will be gone.
4. Create scheduled job:
$ sudo crontab -e
And add in this line:
*/5 * * * * env LANG=C /usr/bin/mrtg /etc/mrtg.cfg
5. Done. You can check MRTG graph on http://localhost/mrtg/ or http://your_ip/mrtg/
Are you sure and executed it successfully.
1. Which SNMP version will be running ?
2. The snmpd.conf will be edited or purely new snmpd.conf will be created.
3. snmpwalk command will not to used?
4. Our tutorial will be executed on Ubuntu 11.04 also?
Thanks and regards
Hi, Sidharatha
I wrote the article after tried successfully, also it is for my bookmark if someday I need it again.
1. SNMP version is using latest version installed by apt-get.
2. I edited snmpd.conf
3. snmpwalk command is only be used to test if your snmp not working properly.
4. It should be working on Ubuntu 11.04
Best Regards.
Hello, I can’t make it work on my server, I Want to monitor it with my cacti server but it does not work at all..I already tried several configuration scenarios and with snmpwalk no response from localhost… can we please discuss?I really need help with this one, you already have my email
Hi, kindly wait for my post on how to install cacti. I will let you know once it is uploaded.
Thanks for the tip. I guess the “>” character in indexmaker command line was messed up by your website.
Best regards.
Thank you for the correction.
i need help!!!! that is part of mi job, but i cant configure snmpd or mrtg in a server, i need that someone explain me step by step, i dont undertand where i must install mrtg or snmpd, i dont know if i can configure mrtg in the same server that i want to see the information or i must install it in other server or pc, i need help!!! please
Hi Isaac, what can I help for you? Please email to wecare[at]
$ sudo indexmaker /etc/mrtg.cfg > /var/www/mrtg/index.html
bash: /var/www/mrtg/index.html: Permission denied
how to fix somebody help meeee plzzz
Please execute:
$ sudo chmod o+w /var/www/mrtg
Make sure you already create /var/www/mrtg folder beforehand:
$ sudo mkdir /var/www/mrtg
and why i don’t have and eth0 day week mount and years in my localhost
picture this linked
Quite strange, after running the command:
indexmaker /etc/mrtg.cfg > /var/www/mrtg/index.html
It throws me back a message: Use of uninitialized value $first in hash element at /usr/bin/indexmaker line 353.
I’ve tried nearly anything to solve this issue, but couldn’t succeed.
Also, I get no graphs at all, just the MRTG banner and MRTG Index Page.
What else should I do? It seems like all of the articles are outdated, and none of them seems to be working.
Please check this link. I hope it helps.