I have Samsung Galaxy Tab (P1000) with Gingerbread stock ROM from Singtel Singapore. This is what I’ve done to convert Gingerbread into Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS). I followed the guides from XDA Developer forum.
- Install Overcome ROM by following this guide.
- Download ICS ROM from HumberOS website. I use P1000 model Galaxy Tab, so I downloaded 2 files: CM9-SGT7-TE4M-RC0.20120127.zip and P1000-CM9-HumberOS-Kernel-20120128.zip.
- Copy all files to Galaxy Tab’s sdcard.
- Boot into recovery: press Volume Up + Power button.
- Wipe cache, dalvik, factory reset
- Install from zip file: ROM file CM9-SGT7-TE4M-RC0.20120127.zip (don’t reboot)
- Install from zip file: Kernel file P1000-CM9-HumberOS-Kernel-20120128.zip
- Reboot and done.
Two days before, I flashed HumberOS kernel version 20120121 and after that I installed screen rotation fix, google apps fix, build.prop file, and phone.apk in below sequence to make call feature and Whatsapp work:
- Download all the files: build.prop, Google apps fix, screen rotation fix, phone.apk. Put all files to Galaxy Tab’s sdcard. You can boot into recovery and mount /sdcard to your PC to transfer the files.
- Upload build.prop
Open Terminal app and execute these commands:$ su # cp /sdcard/build.prop /system
- Flash Google apps fix
Boot into recovery and flash the zip file. - Flash screen rotation fix
Boot into recovery and flash the zip file. - Upload phone.apk
Open Terminal app and execute these commands:$ su # cp /sdcard/Phone.apk /system/app
Update Jan 30:
HumberOS updated the ROM and kernel files. There is bluetooth fix need to be downloaded and flashed from recovery.
Update Feb 2:
HumberOS updated the ROM. Kernel still uses update Jan 30. Gapps file included to be flashed from recovery.
Update Mar 7:
HumberOS updated the ROM and Kernel.
Is in Call, the other party heard a lot of sharp sound!
My device is P1000, the modem using JMF.
From Overcome_7 upgrade to CM9.
The flash file is CM9-SGT7-TE4M-RC0.20120202.zip, P1000-CM9-HumberOS-Kernel-2012.zip, gapps_ics_403_v11.zip
Any problem with this ROM?? Please advise me TQ..
There are some functions not working because this ROM still in development (alpha version). Just wait for the released version 🙂
Hi, I heve followed all below instruction to install ICS on my Tab GT P1000 but after rebooting I had a problem, the tab stay on startUp mode, and I can’t access on nothing, please can you help and describe how can I resolve this problem.
What do you mean by ‘startup mode’?
After following all the steps most things work 🙂
The biggest problem is that the P1000 does not respond to incoming calls. The person dialing can hear a normal ringing tone. Anyone else experience this? Please help
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=929479….go that site because their procedure it works well in my GT-p1000
ok incoming calling solved by following the instructions!! 😀
Didn’t you copy the zImage file from the kernel to the rom? Cz I remember seeing that in humberos site that we had to replace the file from the specific kernel! Reply asap pls
Hi, umran sheikh
You can copy zImage file from kernel to ROM file, but the easier way is to flash both file from recovery.
1. Flash ROM file. Don’t reboot.
2. Flash kernel file. Don’t reboot.
3. Flash gapps file. Reboot.
As instructed on Humberos website.
i flashed it today with no problem and it looks great thanks for the help,but im not able to install android market after flashing ,is it the same with every one?
Hi, dheeraj
I also experienced that problem. Just redo gapps flash from recovery, reboot, and you will see the Market app.
it worked thanks,how can we get back to overcome rom in future
Put Overcome_7_Series_v4.1.0_Wipe.zip file on your sdcard. You can flash this file from recovery anytime if you want to go back to Overcome.
I met the same problem as Mirakom. The screen stayed at Startup after reboot. The Startup means the first visible screen after power on. I tried several times following the install step, but still got the same result. Can you figure out what I worried? Thanks for your help!
Hi, Roger
Have you done flashing Overcome ROM correctly?
It looks like your Tab got partition problem. Humberos-CM9 ROM is using ext4 partition. By flashing Overcome ROM, Overcome_7_Series_v4.1.0_Wipe.zip flashing will convert your partition into ext4.
And don’t forget to wipe data-cache-dalvik before flashing Humberos ROM.
Hi, Kumkum:
Great! You are right. After I changed the file system to ext4, that’s working fine. Thanks for your help.
No problem, Roger.
I’ve uploaded everything. However, pls advice I can I upload build.prop and phone.apk. I’ve boot in recovery and transfered to SD successfully. However, unable to execute these files. Pls advise, Thanks.
Hi, Dew
You don’t have to upload build.prop and phone.apk if you are using latest Humberos ROM (update Feb 2).
Anyway, to copy build.prop and phone.apk you can use Terminal app. The app is already there included in the ROM, no need to download from Market.
Great! Thanks.
I cannot seem to get my camera working well
Yup, kindly wait until Humberos and his team finish developing this ROM.
Hi kumkum this is a nice blog.
we are hoping to update your posts when there’s another update coming up. I’ve heard it will be on march 1st… thank you
Thank you, pogi.
I installed CM9-SGT7-TE4M-RC0.20120127.zip but somehow I forgot to put P1000-CM9-HumberOS-Kernel-20120128.zip. so I turned it off and put the P1000-CM9-HumberOS-Kernel-20120128.zip on my SD and now it doesnt wanna work anymore. its just jamming in startscreen: Galaxy tab Samsung.
help pls.
Shutdown your Tab: press power button for 15 seconds.
Boot into recovery: press Volume Up + Power button.
Wipe cache/dalvik/factory reset
Install from zip file: ROM file (don’t reboot)
Install from zip file: Kernel file
Please try.
It says: E: Can’t mount / sdcard.
It looks like partition problem.
Have you done with Overcome installation?
i did. It will not restore or back up. nothing at all. :/
Someone on xda developer forum has the solution for “can’t mount sdcard” problem. Maybe can help.
I’ve just flashed last night and almost everything working fine, except camera saving photos in gray, is there any fix for this.
Hi, guerrero69. Camera is only working in front camera mode. Kindly wait for the next release coming. Hopefully there will be fix for this.
just download angel camera, silent camera, nemus camera those are the ones i know of so far
Thanks, MrDumb. Now I can take picture with it 🙂
I’ve tried many of the different settings options regarding graphics and I still have really choppy video. Also, my wifi connection is considerably slower than it should be. Perhaps that is causing the video troubles. Are there any fixes for these issues? When can I expect this to be out of alpha?
Yes, video and wifi are still not perfect.
You can check the progress on its developer forum http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1385153
Google Map apps is missing in Gapps. I have installed v.6 apk but it crashes. How can I reinstall new gapps package.
You can re-flash Gapps again from recovery. Wipe cache/data/factory-reset beforehand if you want.
insrtalled CM9-SGT7-TE4M-20120307 and latest version of kernel and gaap. unable to connect to gsm netwrok or make phone calls, working fine on overcome series
I like the new ICS for my SGT P1000 I followed everything and it works. I just hope that they will fix the video and the main camera. My WIFI works already but I found out that the facelock (one of the features of ICS) is still not working maybe sooner they will going to fix this also…Looking forward to it!Thanks!!!
ICS for P1000 official release ?
when will be getting official ?
You can also try the AOKP Rom in xda developers forum.
I just upgraded my GT – P1000 and started gapps a couple of times, but I am still missing ThinkFree and the map Files?
Please help
ThinkFree can be replaced with Kingsoft Office. You can download from Google Play. Maps also can be downloaded.
The update to ICS went pretty well, even considering all the little bugs and fixes.
I dont’t know if anybody got that issue, but my TV out does not seem to work anymore?
I Have an HDMI dock and it does not give a signal to the tv anymore.
It used to work fine on Gingerbread.
Ok got it to work again.
You have to have the android debuging activated in development options.
And you have to manually activate the hdmi dock every time you plug it in (in specific options)
how can i return back to gingerbread, couse this cyanogenmod i cant even make video calls on it and it make my GT-p1000 slow. plz help me
To return back to Gingerbread, please follow this link: http://www.teamovercome.net/p1000/?page_id=17
Search for this line:
Extract the 001001-GB-Stock-Safe-v5.zip file into a folder of your choice.