Monthly Archives: March, 2012

How to Fix RDCMan Problem: “Incompatible version of mstscax.dll”

This problem happens when you are using Remote Desktop Connection Manager (RDCMan) with not updated Terminal Service Client. To fix this problem you have to download and install the latest Terminal Service Client 6.1 from below website. For Windows XP: For Windows Server 2003:

How to Save Apache Access Log into MySQL Database Using libapache2-mod-log-sql on Debian Squeeze

The purpose of saving Apache access log into MySQL database is to make it easier to parse website’s visitor information. First of all, we do repository update: Install libapache2-mod-log-sql Create apachelogs and scoreboard table: Modify /etc/apache2/sites-available/default: If you have other virtual hosts, you can put LogSQLTransferLogTable directive into each virtual host tag. Create mod_log_sql-preserve file:…

How to Install PHP 5 on Ubuntu / Debian

PHP is a popular web scripting language. This article will show you how to install PHP on Ubuntu / Debian server. 1. First of all, we update repository. 2. Install PHP and Apache web server 3. It’s done. You can put your .php source code at /var/www and access http://your_ip from browser. Now we will…